Sequence Input and Processing

Sequence Input and Processing


CD ComputaBio understands that each project is unique, and our team tailors the approach to address the specific requirements of our clients, ensuring that the delivered solutions are precisely aligned with their objectives and expectations.


CD ComputaBio specializes in cutting-edge computational biology solutions and provides innovative services to streamline the antibody design process. Our sequence input and processing services are designed to efficiently handle the critical initial steps of antibody homology modeling, ensuring accuracy and precision in subsequent stages of the modeling process.

Our Services

Our Sequence Input and Processing service caters to the specific requirements of antibody homology modeling. We offer a comprehensive range of tools and expertise to facilitate the seamless extraction and processing of sequence data, laying a strong foundation for the accurate prediction of antibody structures. Our workflow of sequence input and processing is as follows:

Steps Descriptions
Data Collection Various data related to the target antibody are collected, including its amino acid sequence, possible structural domain information, homologous structural templates, and so on. These data are usually obtained from public databases, such as NCBI, PDB, etc.
Sequence Preprocessing The amino acid sequence of the antibody is preprocessed, including removal of non-canonical amino acids, trimming of signal peptides, etc., to ensure the accuracy and standardization of the sequence.
Structure Template Selection Search for possible homologous structure templates in the database, which can be used as a reference for predicting the structure of the target antibody. Protein structure comparison tools such as BLAST, HHpred, etc. are usually used to find the most suitable structure template.
Data Alignment Sequence alignment of the target antibody sequence with the selected structural template is performed to find similar structural segments and determine which parts can be used as templates for modeling.
Structure Modeling Protein structure prediction software, such as MODELLER, Rosetta, etc., is used to model the 3D structure based on the selected structural template and aligned sequences.

Our Algorithm

We employ a multidimensional methodology that integrates advanced computational tools and bioinformatics techniques to handle antibody sequence data effectively. Our approach involves the meticulous curation, alignment, and validation of antibody sequences, utilizing state-of-the-art algorithms and databases to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the input data. By leveraging high-performance computing resources, we expedite the processing of sequences, paving the way for swift and precise modeling outcomes.

Service Highlight

Figure 1. Service Highlight
  • Experienced team: Our team of bioinformatics experts is well-equipped to handle large amounts of sequence data accurately and quickly.
  • Advanced tools: We utilize state-of-the-art bioinformatics tools for sequence input and processing to ensure high-quality output for further analysis.
  • Quality Assurance: Our services include multiple rounds of quality checks to verify data consistency and accuracy.

At CD ComputaBio, we recognize the significance of accurate sequence input and processing in antibody homology modeling. Our service is committed to delivering high-quality sequence data curated, processed, and ready for further analysis. Let us be your aid in your endeavor to understand the intricacies of biology through computational techniques.

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