Antibody Visualization

Antibody Visualization


CD ComputaBio understands that each project is unique, and our team tailors the approach to address the specific requirements of our clients, ensuring that the delivered solutions are precisely aligned with their objectives and expectations.


Understanding the structure and behavior of antibodies is critical for elucidating their mechanisms of action and designing targeted therapies. Antibody visualization encompasses a range of computational and visualization techniques that play a key role in revealing the intricate details of antibody structure, dynamics and interactions. Our antibody visualization services are tailored to meet the diverse needs of researchers, the pharmaceutical industry, and biotech companies, providing state-of-the-art solutions for unraveling the complex world of antibodies.

Our Services

Our comprehensive antibody visualization services are designed to provide insight into antibody structure, kinetics, and interactions. Our services cover a wide range of application areas, including but not limited to:

Figure 1. Antibody Visualization Service.

Understanding the 3D structure of an antibody is essential for deciphering its functions and interactions. Our services focus on antibody structure visualization, providing detailed molecular renderings and insights into conformational changes. This helps to understand the structural basis of antigen recognition and enables the rational design of novel antibodies with better properties.

Visualization of antibody-antigen complexes is fundamental to elucidate the molecular interactions underlying immune recognition and response. Our services include visualization of antibody-antigen interfaces, analysis of key interacting residues, and epitope mapping to aid in the design of antigen-specific therapies and vaccines.

We provide molecular dynamics simulations to study the dynamic behavior of antibodies, revealing their flexibility, conformational changes, and interactions with antigens or other molecular partners. Our simulations provide insight into the motion and fluctuations of antibodies at the atomic level, leading to a deeper understanding of their functional dynamics.

We understand that every project is unique, so we provide customized visualization solutions based on specific research goals and requirements. Our team works closely with our clients to develop customized visualization methods, ensuring that the insights gained align directly with the project goals.

Visualization Tools

Our antibody visualization services leverage a suite of industry-leading software and tools, enabling comprehensive and insightful analysis of antibody structures and interactions. Some of the key software and platforms we utilize include:


PyMOL is a powerful molecular visualization tool that facilitates the generation of high-quality molecular graphics, providing an extensive range of functions for visualizing and analyzing antibody structures and molecular interactions.

VMD (Visual Molecular Dynamics)

VMD is a molecular visualization program designed for the interactive display, animation, and analysis of large biomolecular systems, making it well-suited for visualizing complex antibody structures and dynamics.

MOE (Molecular Operating Environment)

MOE combines an array of molecular modeling and visualization tools, allowing for the comprehensive analysis of antibody structures, molecular interactions, and the rational design of antibodies with enhanced properties.

Service Highlight

Figure 2. Antibody Visualization Service Highlight.
  • Personalized Approach
  • Rapid Turnaround
  • Cost-Effective Solutions
  • Collaborative Approach
  • Predictive Insights
  • Validation and Interpretation
  • Comprehensive Support

We offer a wealth of expertise for each project, ensuring that our clients receive high-quality insights and actionable results. We understand that every project has unique challenges and goals. Our team consists of computational biology, bioinformatics, and structural biology experts with extensive experience in antibody visualization and molecular modeling. Our approach centers on developing tailored solutions, working closely with our clients to address specific research questions, and providing a custom visualization strategy that meets the project goals.


  1. Ovchinnikov V, Louveau J E, Barton J P, et al. Role of framework mutations and antibody flexibility in the evolution of broadly neutralizing antibodies. Elife, 2018, 7: e33038.
  2. Kapingidza A B, Kowal K, Chruszcz M. Antigen–antibody complexes. Vertebrate and Invertebrate Respiratory Proteins, Lipoproteins and other Body Fluid Proteins, 2020: 465-497.
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