Antibody Immunogenicity Prediction

Antibody Immunogenicity Prediction


CD ComputaBio understands that each project is unique, and our team tailors the approach to address the specific requirements of our clients, ensuring that the delivered solutions are precisely aligned with their objectives and expectations.


Antibodies play a crucial role in modern drug development, but immunogenicity remains a significant challenge in their clinical application. Predicting and mitigating the risk of immunogenicity is essential to ensure the safety and efficacy of antibody-based therapeutics. Our Antibody Immunogenicity Prediction services leverage advanced computational models to assess the immunogenic potential of antibodies and guide the design of more effective and safe drugs.

Our Services

Our experts analyze the amino acid sequences of your antibodies to identify potential immunogenic epitopes and characterize the sequence features that may trigger immune responses.

Using cutting-edge molecular modeling techniques, we predict the 3D structures of antibodies and simulate their interactions with immune system components to evaluate immunogenicity.

We employ machine learning algorithms to develop predictive models for antibody immunogenicity, integrating sequence, structural, and physicochemical properties to enhance accuracy.

Based on comprehensive data analysis and modeling, we assess the immunogenic risk of your antibody candidates, providing valuable insights for optimization and modification strategies.

Our Algorithm

Random Forest

Random Forest is a versatile machine learning algorithm used in antibody immunogenicity prediction to analyze complex datasets and generate reliable predictions based on multiple decision trees.

Support Vector Machine (SVM)

SVM is a powerful algorithm for classification tasks, commonly employed to distinguish between immunogenic and non-immunogenic antibodies by identifying complex patterns in the data.

Deep Learning Networks

Deep learning networks, such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and recurrent neural networks (RNNs), offer advanced predictive capabilities by learning hierarchical representations of antibody sequences and structures.


  • Antibody Drug Development: Optimize lead antibody candidates for reduced immunogenicity and enhanced therapeutic efficacy.
  • Biologics Engineering: Design novel antibodies with improved immunogenic profiles for various disease targets.
  • Immunotherapy Optimization: Improve the safety and immunogenicity profiles of immunotherapeutic antibodies for cancer and autoimmune diseases.

Sample Requirements and Deliverables

Sample Requirements

Amino Acid Sequence of the Antibody

The primary sequence is essential for sequence-based analysis and serves as a foundation for further structural evaluations.

3D Structural Information (if available)

Structural data enhances the accuracy of our predictions and allows for a detailed analysis of conformational epitopes.

Target Antigen Information

Information about the target antigen helps contextualize the antibody's immunogenic potential and refine our predictions.


Detailed Reports

We provide an extensive report detailing our immunogenicity predictions, identified epitopes, and suggested modifications.


Our reports include visualizations of sequence and structural data, highlighting immunogenic hotspots and other critical insights.

Actionable Recommendations

Based on our predictions, we offer actionable recommendations for optimizing your antibody candidates to mitigate immunogenicity.

Service Highlight

At CD ComputaBio, we combine expertise in computational biology with a commitment to innovation to offer reliable and efficient solutions for antibody immunogenicity prediction. By partnering with us, you can enhance the success rate of your antibody development programs, reduce the risk of immunogenic side effects, and accelerate the path to market for your therapeutic candidates. Contact us today to learn more about how our Antibody Immunogenicity Prediction services can support your research and development goals.

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