Epitope Mapping

Epitope Mapping


CD ComputaBio understands that each project is unique, and our team tailors the approach to address the specific requirements of our clients, ensuring that the delivered solutions are precisely aligned with their objectives and expectations.


Epitope mapping is the process of identifying the specific regions on an antigen that are recognized by antibodies or T-cell receptors. This information is vital for understanding immune responses, designing targeted therapies, and optimizing vaccine development. At CD ComputaBio, we leverage cutting-edge computational modeling approaches to unravel the complex interactions between antigens and antibodies, providing valuable insights into antigenicity and immunogenicity.

Our Services

We utilize molecular modeling and simulation techniques to predict the 3D structures of glycan antigens, facilitating the identification of potential epitopes.

Our algorithms predict potential epitopes on antigens based on structural features, sequence analysis, and molecular docking studies.

We perform molecular docking simulations to elucidate the interactions between antigens and antibodies, pinpointing key residues involved in binding.

Our comprehensive analysis evaluates the immunogenic potential of identified epitopes, guiding the design of vaccines and therapeutics with enhanced efficacy.

Our Algorithm

Fig 2. Molecular Docking

Molecular Docking

Docking algorithms predict the binding mode and affinity between antigens and antibodies, aiding in epitope identification.

Fig 3. Sequence Analysis

Sequence Analysis

Bioinformatics tools analyze antigen sequences to identify conserved regions, potential epitopes, and antigenic determinants.

Fig 4. Machine Learning Models

Machine Learning Models

Machine learning algorithms are employed to predict antigen-antibody interactions, epitope sites, and immunogenicity based on training datasets.


Stability Assessment: Assessing the stability of antigen-antibody interactions over time.

Conformational Changes: Observing conformational changes in response to binding events.

Interaction Dynamics: Detailed analysis of interaction forces and energy landscapes.

Sample Requirements and Deliverables

Sample Requirements
  • Antigen Sequences/Structures: Provide detailed information on the glycan antigen sequences or structures of interest.
  • Antibody Information: Specify the antibodies or immune receptors under study.
  • Project Goals: Clearly outline your research objectives and expectations from the epitope mapping analysis.
  • Epitope Mapping Results: Detailed analysis of predicted epitopes, interaction sites, and immunogenicity profiles.
  • Visualizations: 3D models, heatmaps, and graphs illustrating antigen-antibody interactions and epitope locations.
  • Recommendations: Insights on potential applications, future research directions, and optimization strategies.

Service Highlight

  •  Customized Solutions: Tailored epitope mapping services to meet your specific research requirements.
  • Expert Consultation: Access to our team of experienced bioinformaticians and computational biologists for guidance and support.
  • Fast Turnaround: Efficient analysis and timely delivery of results to expedite your research progress.

In conclusion, epitope mapping is a critical step in understanding antigen-antibody interactions and immune responses. Through our epitope mapping services at CD ComputaBio, we offer advanced computational tools, expert insights, and tailored solutions to unlock the secrets of antigenicity and support your research goals. Partner with CD ComputaBio to explore the possibilities of epitope mapping for your research projects.


  1. Mao Y, Zhang L, Kleinberg A, et al. (2019) Fast protein sequencing of monoclonal antibody by real-time digestion on emitter during nanoelectrospray. MAbs. 11(4):767-778.
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