Linkers Selection

Linkers Selection


CD ComputaBio understands that each project is unique, and our team tailors the approach to address the specific requirements of our clients, ensuring that the delivered solutions are precisely aligned with their objectives and expectations.


Antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) have emerged as a promising class of therapeutics for targeted cancer therapy. Central to the development of ADCs is the selection of an appropriate linker that contributes to the stability, efficacy, and safety of the conjugate. CD ComputaBio offers advanced computational solutions for antibody linker selection, leveraging expertise in computer-aided drug design to optimize ADC design and facilitate the development of novel antibody-based therapeutics. Our team of experienced scientists and computational experts is dedicated to leveraging cutting-edge algorithms and state-of-the-art software tools to assist in the rational and efficient design of ADCs.

Our Services

Our Antibody Linkers Selection service aims to expedite and streamline the process of ADC development. The services we provide include linker selection based on the drug release method, the linker's stability, and the type of ADC. Also, we provide service for optimization of linker length and composition for maximal potency and stability. Furthermore, the following services are also available to cater to unique drug development needs.

Our Algorithm

CD ComputaBio employs a range of advanced algorithms and computational methods for antibody linker selection, including:


The selection of an optimal antibody linker is critical for the development of ADCs and has diverse applications, including:

Applications of Linkers Selection Service.

Sample Requirements and Deliverables

Sample Requirements To initiate an antibody linker selection project, clients are requested to provide:
  • Antibody and target antigen structures or coordinates
  • Detailed information on the payload drug and conjugation site
  • Specific requirements and objectives for the linker design
  • Any available experimental data on linker stability or release kinetics
  • Project timelines and constraints
Deliverables Upon completion of the antibody linker selection service, clients will receive:
  • Comprehensive analysis of linker candidates
  • Recommendations for optimal linker design and modification
  • Predicted stability and cleavability of selected linker candidates
  • Detailed report with computational data and analysis
  • Assistance in experimental design and validation strategies

Service Highlight

Linkers Selection Service Highlight.
  • Rational and structure-based design approach
  • Integration of molecular modeling and simulations
  • Customized computational protocols tailored to project requirements
  • Comprehensive analysis and prediction of linker properties
  • Collaboration with experimental teams for validation and experimental design
  • One-stop after-sales service

Antibody-drug conjugates represent a transformational approach to targeted therapy and personalized medicine. Proper linker selection is critical to ensure the safety and potency of these drugs. CD ComputaBio's Antibody Linkers Selection service combines industry-leading expertise, advanced biotechnological solutions, and robust algorithms, providing comprehensive support for selecting the right linker, accelerating drug discovery, and bringing your visions of effective, personalized medicine closer to reality. Contact us with CD ComputaBio to explore this service and transform your ADC drug development process.

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