
Design Your Own Antibody


Antibodies are the sentinels of the immune system and play a pivotal role in the body's defense against pathogens. However, traditional antibody development is labor- and time-intensive. To address these challenges, the advent of computer-aided antibody modeling has revolutionized the situation, providing accelerated and cost-effective solutions.

Our Services

Our service at CD ComputaBio leverages a multifaceted approach, encompassing sequence input and processing, homology modeling, framework, CDR (complementary decision region) modeling, energy minimization and refinement, antigen binding site prediction, and visualization. Each stage is carefully designed to accelerate antibody innovation and optimization.

Sequence Input and Processing

The antibody modeling journey begins with the sequence import and processing stage. At CD ComputaBio, we process a variety of sequence formats, including the FASTA format. We process these sequences using a variety of algorithms to identify key components and features.

Homology Modeling

Homology modeling is the cornerstone of antibody modeling, allowing for the generation of precise 3D structures based on known protein structures.CD ComputaBio utilizes a variety of bioinformatics tools and databases including, but not limited to, MODELLER, Robetta, and SWISS MODEL to ensure a high degree of accuracy and structural fidelity. This stage serves as the basis for subsequent modeling steps, ultimately generating precise structural templates for further refinement.

Framework and CDR Modeling

The framework and CDR (Complementarity-Determining Regions) modeling phase focuses on the refinement and optimization of the antibody's variable domains. Our experts leverage advanced molecular modeling techniques, integrating sequence information and structural templates to sculpt the antibody's framework and CDRs. Through iterative refinement and computational simulations, we aim to enhance binding affinity, specificity, and stability, thereby enriching the therapeutic potential of the antibody.

Energy Minimization and Refinement

Energy minimization and refinement are important stages in antibody modeling. At CD ComputaBio, we employ Molecular Mechanics with generalised Born and surface area solvation (MM/GBSA) methods to optimize antibody structures, minimize energies, and calculate key binding free energies. By utilizing MM-GBSA, our service ensures that modeled antibodies present optimal molecular conformations and energetically favorable binding interfaces.

Antigen Binding Site Prediction

The key to an antibody's function is its antigen-binding ability. Our services include powerful algorithms and computational tools capable of predicting and characterizing antigen-binding sites with unparalleled accuracy. By analyzing structural features and energy mapping, we identify key residues and epitopes, enabling clients to gain insight into antibody-antigen interactions.


Visualization is the ultimate stage of antibody modeling services, providing a comprehensive view of the rendered 3D structure and its functional properties. With advanced visualization tools and molecular graphics software, we can elucidate complex structural details, surface properties, and spatial relationships.

Our Algorithm

Driven by cutting-edge computational algorithms, our approach to antibody modeling and design is at the vanguard of scientific innovation.

Molecular Dynamics Simulations

By employing molecular dynamics simulations, we unravel the complex dynamics of antibody-antigen interactions, providing insights into the structural stability and conformational changes crucial for antibody functionality.

Rosetta-Based Antibody Design

Leveraging the power of Rosetta, our platform facilitates the de novo design of antibodies, allowing for the creation of custom-tailored antibody structures with enhanced specificity and binding affinity.

Machine Learning-Based Antibody Prediction

Our machine learning algorithms are adept at analyzing vast datasets to predict antibody-antigen interactions, enabling the identification of high-potential antibody candidates with remarkable accuracy.

Service Highlight

  • Rational antibody design
  • Antibody-antigen docking simulations
  • Affinity maturation
  • Multivalent and bispecific antibody design
  • Humanization and de-immunization of antibodies
  • Antibody-antigen binding affinity and specificity assessment
  • Epitope mapping

At CD ComputaBio, we are committed to driving the boundaries of antibody modeling and design through the innovative application of computational methods. With our comprehensive suite of services, advanced algorithms, and unparalleled expertise, we stand as the premier partner for those seeking to revolutionize therapeutic antibody development. Join us in shaping the future of precision medicine through computational antibody design.


  1. Chiu M L, Goulet D R, Teplyakov A, et al. Antibody structure and function: the basis for engineering therapeutics. Antibodies, 2019, 8(4): 55.
  2. Roy K, Kar S, Das R N. Understanding the basics of QSAR for applications in pharmaceutical sciences and risk assessment. Academic press, 2015.
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